A little get well soon gift with a big surprise. brighten their day when they are feeling under the weather with this delightful miniature bouquet of paper roses, beautifully presented in a matchbox. on opening the matchbox the recipient will be presented with an exquisite bunch of handmade purple roses in a tiny glass vase, and the message 'a bunch of love'. a truly unique keepsake gift, 'get well soon in a matchbox' is the perfect way to cheer them up and let them know they are blooming amazing. made from: paper roses, glass bottle, card.
A little get well soon gift with a big surprise. brighten their day when they are feeling under the weather with this delightful miniature bouquet of paper roses, beautifully presented in a matchbox. on opening the matchbox the recipient will be presented with an exquisite bunch of handmade purple roses in a tiny glass vase, and the message 'a bunch of love'. a truly unique keepsake gift, 'get well soon in a matchbox' is the perfect way to cheer them up and let them know they are blooming amazing. made from: paper roses, glass bottle, card.